Books & Oracle Decks
Training Card Deck
Purchase NowThe Mediumship Training Deck : 50 Practical Tools for Developing Your Connection to the Other-Side
The Mediumship Training Deck features 50 beautifully designed cards created by psychic mediums John Holland and Lauren Rainbow to assist you in the development and the unfoldment of your psychic-mediumship potential. When you understand the mechanics of how your specific mediumship works, you then become the master of it!
This extraordinary and educational deck benefits everyone from the beginner student of mediumship to the advanced. In it, John and Lauren impart techniques and lessons they have used for themselves and have taught in mediumship-development workshops. These cards will help readers to develop their knowledge of auras, spiritual energy centers, mind focus, meditation, imagery and imagination, and more!
By training with these cards, you will enhance and strengthen your mediumship abilities and establish a stronger link between this world and the Spirit Realm.
The Mediumship Training Deck
The Mediumship Training Deck contains 50 beautifully illustrated cards and a booklet.
You can select one card, or even a few, to work on every day. Track your progress throughout the week. You can use them in order, or choose a card randomly. Just trust that’s what you’re meant to be focusing and working on in that moment.
You’ll notice that some of the cards have “Partnership Cards” linked to them. These cards can be used to enhance and further develop the technique or the lesson described in the card that you pulled.
In some of the lessons, instructions are provided on how to use the energy centers of the body, how the physical body acts as a receiver for psychic and mediumistic information, and how color affects us individually, all of which contributes to the flow of spiritual energy to determine how we all receive information differently.
Using these cards as part of your spiritual training will provide you with a deeper understanding and a thorough grounding in your mediumship development, enabling your mediumship abilities to grow and strengthen, forging a stronger link between this world and the Spirit Realm.
Naturally, we encourage you to study and read even more on the subject and the practice of mediumship. If possible, try and study with a number of experienced teachers and mediums to gain confidence and a broad range of experience. When students come back time after time to study with either of us, we constantly advise that no one person can teach every aspect and every technique of mediumship. The more you experience, the more you’ll come into contact with a range of styles, techniques, and practices.
The commitment to cultivating your spiritual abilities is up to you! After practicing your mediumship or psychic development work, you’ll begin to appreciate just how your spiritual abilities work, which in turn will build your confidence. If you remain steadfast in your practice , you’ll not only become a strong, grounded, and healthier psychic or medium, but you’ll become a wiser one! Never lose the excitement of exploring and learning new things!
Animal Kingdom
Animals of all types are extraordinary creatures and miraculous gifts to us, as they’ve been our spiritual companions since the dawn of time. Whether they have feathers or fur, two legs or four, they also have souls, and people take comfort in knowing their beloved pets exist in the Spirit World.
Be of Service
When you are called to awaken the medium within, it’s also a calling to devote your life to a work of service. It’s truly an honor and a blessing to serve Spirit. If you hold an open and pure heart, the blessings from Spirit in return will be bountiful and endless.
Blending with Spirit
Blending with Spirit will enhance your communication, allowing for stronger evidential messages. Merging with the essence of Spirit can create a powerful connection for the sitter to feel as though their loved one has come alive, even for that moment.
The Breath
Awareness of the breath is the key to the continual movement of life and your connection with Spirit. Being mindful of your breath helps you to remain in the present, bringing clarity of thought, tolerance, and patience. It can benefit your overall well-being and help your mediumship development.
Training Card Deck
Purchase NowPaperback
Purchase NowBridging Two Realms : Learn To Communicate With Your Loved Ones On The Other-Side
In Bridging Two Realms, John Holland provides inspiration and comfort for the bereaved by demonstrating how you can make contact with your passed loved ones. He reveals the mechanics and techniques used to extend your awareness beyond your physical senses to develop your potential skills as a medium and use them to connect with your loved ones on the Other-Side.
You’ll learn:
- What happens when a loved one passes into the Spirit World
- The signs and symbols your loved ones use to get your attention
- How mental telepathy acts as a bridge between this world and the next
- How meditation can be used to enhance your connection with Spirit
- Exercises and techniques to develop your own mediumistic skills
- How to use your specific psychic strengths to become a receptor for spirit messages
Losing a loved one is one of the most profoundly challenging times that we all have to face at some point in our lives. It’s a highly emotional time, one where unanswered questions can cause you to question your own beliefs about life after death. It’s perfectly normal to ask questions, such as:
- “Is there really a Spirit World?”
- “Is my loved one at peace?”
- “Can I get in touch with them or are they able to reach out to me somehow?
Bridging Two Realms provides inspiration and comfort for the bereaved. John shows how you can make contact with yours passed loved ones. He also reveals the mechanics and techniques used to extend your awareness beyond your physical senses. He also explains how you can develop your potential skills of mediumistic, and how to use them to connect with your loved ones on the Other-Side.
In Bridging Two Realms, you’ll learn:
- What happens when a loved one passes into the Spirit World
- The signs and symbols your loved ones use to get your attention
- How mental telepathy acts as a bridge between this world and the next
- How meditation can be used to enhance your connection with Spirit
- Exercises and techniques to develop your own mediumistic skills
- How to use your specific psychic strengths to become a receptor for spirit messages
Psychic Medium John Holland has been helping people connect with their loved ones in the Spirit World, bringing closure and healing, and has taught thousands of people how to develop and enhance their own natural psychic abilities.
John says: “We’re all spiritual beings with unlimited potential and we are and always will be connected to each other. Neither death nor time can ever separate you from those you’ve loved.”
This is one of the most comprehensive books on mediumship to date. It’s written in a highly open and plausible manner, that makes it easy to follow and practical to use. It will not only help give inspiration and comfort to the bereaved, but it will also help those who are seeking to awaken, develop, and enhance their own spiritual gifts.
“I believe I am servicing two worlds: Those that have been lost – and those that are left behind. I’m simply the bridge between the two worlds.” JOHN HOLLAND
Chapter 1 | Your Real Home
Heaven, Paradise, Eternity, The Other Side, and even Upstairs are just some of the names that are frequently used to refer to the Spirit World. Yet for many of us, we rarely speak openly about this mysterious and extraordinary place. We might well retreat into the privacy of our own thoughts to ponder or imagine what this special place might be like. In these moments of quiet reflection, comes the realization that someday, we will come to know this place for ourselves … again.
As a practicing Spiritual Medium, there’s one overriding question that comes up time after time: “Where is my loved one now that they’ve left this world … Are they at peace?” It’s a very profound question, which has an equally complex answer.
Before I answer that important question, I first try to help people understand that you’re a soul that comes with a physical body having human experiences — not a body that comes with a soul. It’s my belief that the soul is eternal and can never die or cease to exist. The soul is the real you, composed of pure consciousness. You were a soul long before you came into this plane of existence, and you’ll be a soul long after you leave this body to return home … to the Spirit World.
The ways that people imagine and define the Spirit World range from the ghostly to a place that’s beautiful and ethereal. There are different views or explanations of the Spirit World, depending on your religious upbringing, faith, and social conditioning. Many people are influenced by how fictional books, television and movies overdramatize their portrayal of the Other-Side. We’ll never really know what it’s going to be like until we leave this physical plane and enter the spiritual planes for ourselves.
I truly believe that the Spirit World is our real home, and our loved ones who are there are no longer ill. They’re no longer suffering or in pain. More importantly, they’re whole, reunited with family and friends who have gone on before them. It’s those of us that remain here who feel the pain after we lose someone, mourning the physical loss of someone we truly loved.
As humans, we expend a significant amount of time and energy trying to make sense and understand our own beliefs about life after death. There are so many philosophies, so many opinions, and so many ways to approach this delicate subject. The whole thought process can be challenging. It’s really not possible for anyone to provide absolute definitive physical evidence of the very existence of a “Spirit World,” as it’s beyond the sphere of this physical life.
However, there are more and more people coming forward with accounts of how they clinically died but were resuscitated and brought back to life. They return to this physical world with vivid memories and images of what they’d seen and experienced when they’d temporarily crossed over to the Other-Side. Many speak of sensations, such as feeling a detachment from their physical body, feelings of serenity, or even releasing the pains associated to lifelong medical conditions. These incidences are called near-death experiences (NDEs). (In Chapter 2, we’ll discuss what we can learn from NDEs.)
When it comes to describing the Spirit World, I go by what I have studied and experienced as well as the information I’ve gleaned from the Spirit People, who tell me of their life in the Spirit World. Even though I’ve been doing this work for a long time, I’m always fascinated when information is conveyed to me of their time back home in the Spirit World. It’s a joy to hear who they’re with, their surroundings, and how they still see what’s going on with their family and friends here in the physical world. It’s always an honor and a privilege to act as a bridge between this world and the next, and to share the knowledge that none of us are ever truly alone. Now let’s take an in-depth look at what’s on the Other-Side.
Where is the Spirit World?
Have you ever seen someone praying or calling out to their loved one who has passed? It’s quite common for you to see people with their hands firmly clasped together in prayer as they look up. Alternatively, they might just call out to them, while looking toward the heavens. However, I believe that the Spirit World is not “up there” but right here where we are, all around us. It’s not beyond the clouds or thousands of miles away in some far-off place. It’s closer than you could ever imagine.
Time also works differently in the Spirit World. Because we have analytical minds, living by set time measurements of 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in each hour, we’re governed by time itself. In fact, it’s man who developed the concept of linear time. Many people live in a constant state of worry that they’re going to run out of time! It just goes to show how time plays such a significant part in our lives. Yet time has no meaning in the Spirit World; it is a place that’s not bound by the limitations of time and space.
The Spirit World is not separated from the Earth by what we understand as conventional distance that can be measured in miles or kilometers. It’s as much about definitions, in that I prefer to define that spiritual place known as the Other-Side as a different dimension, sphere, or realm.
Everything is made up of energy and vibrates at its own unique frequency, and the Spirit World is no different. The Spirit World vibrates at a much higher frequency than our own slower frequency, as we exist in this third-dimensional plane of existence here on Earth. Since the vibrational frequency level is so high in the Spirit World, we’re unable to see into it using our physical eyes. The fact that it’s invisible to most of us doesn’t make it any less real. But there are people who have had rare glimpses of the Other-Side, including those who have spent years training themselves clairvoyantly, those who have the ability or experience of astral traveling, people who were born with a heightened perception, and those have died and come back.
In Our Dreams
Did you know that many of us often visit the Spirit World when we sleep?
Our physical body can’t exist without time to rest, to regenerate, heal, and recharge our energy. Sleep is a vital function of our daily routine and overall well-being, and our spirit I believe also uses this time for a similar function. While we’re asleep (usually during our deepest dream state), it detaches itself from its physical encasement (our body) to visit the Spirit World to regenerate. During this time, it’s still connected to our physical body through what is known as the “silver cord,” or “etheric cord.”
Many people have reported having dreams in which they communicated with loved ones who have passed on. When we see our loved one in this dreamlike state, it’s usually just a fleeting visit. They appear younger, healthier, and more vibrant because in the Spirit World, because that’s how they really are!
As we awaken and the spirit returns to our body, we feel the connection start to slip away, as though we’re letting go from an embrace. People tell me stories of how they often wake up with tears in their eyes as the feeling of that special visit slowly fades. I remember the first time it happened to me.
I waited a year for my mom to come through after she’d passed on. When she finally did, I remember waking up from this special dream, with the distinctive memory of how we hugged in an all-too-familiar embrace. I could feel her love as though she had been right there with me. I still hold that feeling in my heart to this day.
Anyone who’s seen my lectures and demonstrations will have heard me ask my audiences, “Who here has had a dream of a loved one, and who has had a hugging dream?” Usually, a sea of hands will fly up along with nodding heads and smiles, confirming that they too have had a dream experience with a loved one. It’s heartening to witness and just goes to further validate the existence of the Spirit World.
If the dream you’ve had of a loved one is a real visitation, then the dream is more than likely to be uplifting and happy. Alternatively, if you dreamt of someone experiencing sorrow or fear, then that’s not a real after-death communication (ADC). More likely, you’re still working through your bereavement.
Trust me, you’ll know a real visit when you have one. They’re very healing and precious, and no one can take that away from you or say that it’s your imagination playing tricks on you … or just wishful thinking! You know when these visits are true, as you’ll feel it in your heart.
The good news is, you don’t have to die to get a glimpse of the Spirit World, and you truly can have connections to your loved ones who have crossed, even though we remain here.
The Thin Place
Have you ever experienced being in a particular place where you’ve felt closer to God, Spirit, or Heaven? You just know there’s something special about that place, and it feels as though it touches your very soul. The sense of peace and tranquility encompasses your whole being, and for some inexplicable reason you’re drawn to this place, even though you don’t truly know why. When you’re there, it’s almost as if the veil between this world and the next has been lifted, if only for a short time.
In Celtic Tradition, such places that provide an opening into the magnificence and glory of God and Spirit are called Thin Places. There’s a Celtic saying that heaven and earth are only three feet apart, but in these Thin Places, distance is even smaller.
Pastor and poet Sharlande Sledge provides this enlightening description:
“Thin places” the Celts call this space,
Both seen and unseen,
Where the door between this world
And the next is cracked open for a moment.
And the light is not all on the Other-Side.
God shaped space.
Purchase NowOracle Deck
Purchase NowThe Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle Deck
The Spirit Messages Oracle Deck, with its accompanying guidebook and 50 beautifully designed cards, was created to assist you in getting support, comfort, and divine guidance from Spirit, your loved ones, family, ancestors, friends, guides, and helpers in the Spirit World. These cards will also help the user to develop a higher awareness of Spirit and to remind you that you’re never truly alone.
These extraordinary cards will bring insight and clarity around some of the major decision points in your life, or just to reaffirm that you're making the right decisions. The Spirit World communicates through these cards with guidance and direction in matters of self-love, vulnerability, relationships, trust, and more. As you work with these cards, they will strengthen your natural ability of intuition and the beautiful loving bond that you and the Spirit World share.
To download the App for Smartphone or Tablet - click here
The Spirit Messages Daily Guidance Oracle Deck with its accompanying guidebook and 50 beautifully designed cards was created by John Holland to assist you in getting support, comfort, and divine guidance from Spirit, your loved ones, family, ancestors, friends, guides and helpers in the Spirit World. These cards will also help the user to develop a higher awareness of Spirit and to remind you that you’re never truly alone.
These extraordinary cards will bring insight and clarity around some of the major decision points in your life, or just to reaffirm that you're making the right decisions. The Spirit World communicates through these cards with guidance and direction in matters of self-love, vulnerability, relationships, trust, and more. As you work with these cards, they will strengthen your natural ability of intuition and the beautiful loving bond that you and the Spirit World share.
Who is this Oracle Deck for?
This beautiful deck works for everyone, whether you’re a novice or someone who has frequently worked with oracle cards in the past. For example, you could begin by picking a card every day at random to help you remember that there is divine assistance for you and that you are never truly alone. If you’re facing a difficult situation or having to make a critical decision, then it might be a good time to let Spirit offer up a card, or you can ask a specific question of the cards. Spirit had considerable influence in the writing of these cards, and it’s hoped that they will offer assistance and support for every situation you encounter. Just remember, there’s a whole “spiritual team” that you can access anytime!
John Holland says: “Those in the Spirit World cannot interfere with the karmic lessons you’re meant to experience in this lifetime, as these are the specific lessons you must learn on your own for the evolution of your soul. But the Spirits can definitely assist you in various areas of your life through guidance, inspiration, divination, synchronicity, dreams, and the power of grace. As you become accustomed to using this oracle deck, just remember that the Spirits love you and want to help in any way they can! I believe that those in the Spirit World have a higher view of all things and a deeper appreciation of the situations that are occurring in your life. It’s for these reasons that I felt inspired and compelled to create this particular oracle deck.”
Now is the time to love, nurture, and heal yourself! Self-love is not simply a state of mind about feeling good — it’s a state of appreciation for yourself that grows and matures from actions you take to support your body, mind, and soul.
Taking care and loving yourself is not a sign of being selfish, but one of necessity. This card is a timely reminder to acknowledge how much you’ve given to others, but in doing so, how you’ve also forgotten about your own needs and what’s truly good for you. When you focus on what you need as opposed to what you want, you’ll gain the strength and purpose to refrain from making the same mistakes. You’ll become more aware of past negative behavior and thinking patterns that have caused you hurt or distress. As a result, you’ll be able to stop and change them into positive affirmations both now and for the future.
Learn to nurture yourself. Work with what keeps you healthy, such as good nutrition, exercise, meditation, and relaxation. Take time outdoors in nature, and choose wisely with whom you wish to surround yourself. When you learn to come from a place of self-love, you’ll be able to accept your weaknesses and acknowledge past mistakes. Forgive yourself, but know they were important lessons to bring you clarity and strength for the future. Be good to yourself — you deserve it!
Relationships are just mirror images of your own life — how you feel and treat yourself, as well as how you react and respond to different situations and people around you. Be aware that every relationship is an opportunity for soul growth.
We bring you this card, for we feel that you may be questioning a certain relationship in your life. This card also signifies that it may be time to evaluate and appreciate the relationships you have now or those from the past — good or bad. Even a difficult relationship can be a surprising spiritual catalyst for you. All relationships, whether they’re on an emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual level, are part of the learning process and enlightenment of the soul.
No matter what category a relationship falls into, it acts as a teaching tool for the lessons your soul needs to learn. It can help you understand, change, or enhance your individual qualities. Ask yourself, if it was in the past, What did I learn from that relationship? Or if it’s a current relationship, ask yourself, What am I learning from this relationship? Different types of relationships have an uncanny way of identifying which aspects of your life need attention. At times, they reveal your vulnerabilities and insecurities, or your need for attention, approval, and acceptance. Let this card be the catalyst to either heal a current relationship or attract more positive relationships for the future.
Oracle Deck
Purchase NowOracle Deck
Purchase NowThe Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck
The Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck, with its accompanying guidebook and 65 beautifully illustrated cards, was created to assist and guide you in matters of the heart, especially the different relationships in your life. Relationships of all kinds are really about you! They will often reflect back what you need to see and the lessons you need to learn. By using this deck and the techniques that psychic medium John Holland imparts, along with the wisdom of the tarot, you’ll begin to understand and look at relationships — past, present, and future — with an intuitive eye.
This deck is not just for lovers! These cards will resonate with anyone and add clarity around all types of relationships, including the most important one of all . . . the relationship with yourself.
To download the App for Smartphone or Tablet - click here
In this unique 65 card deck with an accompanying guidebook, John shares his inspiration and spiritual guidance to deal with almost every aspect of your heart and the myriad of relationships in your life. Relationships of all kinds are really about you! They often reflect back what we need to see. No matter what issues you’re facing in your life, this deck will help add clarity. It will answer questions and illustrate where you are, why you’re there, what you may have done wrong in the past, so you can learn valuable lessons from your past mistakes.
The cards speak intuitively in a way that will resonate with anyone and everyone! The cards in themselves will become a catalyst for your personal soul growth.
This deck is not just for lovers! It was created to help you understand, develop, and improve every type of relationship in your life, including the most important relationship … that with yourself. By using this deck and the techniques that psychic medium John Holland imparts, along with the wisdom of the tarot, you’ll begin to understand and look at relationships — past, present, and future — with an intuitive eye.
Sample content - "GIVING & RECEIVING"
When this card appears, relationships take on a loving and balanced energy. You’ve worked hard to understand yourself and others and now it’s paying off. You’re being rewarded with joy and fulfillment. Is there someone in your life who could benefit from what you’ve learned around matters of the heart?
Take some time to share your lessons with them. Be careful, though. Don’t try to solve their problems, just be a mentor. Also look for other ways that you can be of assistance to those around you. Just be sure to give only what you can and no more.
In the spirit of balance, also be open to receiving support and inspiration from other people. The Universe is waiting to help you. You’re blessed at this time and will receive additional favors if you ask for what you still need. Trust that you will receive it.
Oracle Deck
Purchase NowOracle Deck
Purchase NowThe Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck
The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck was designed to help people tap into and access their innate psychic abilities. In this deck, you'll find 65 beautifully illustrated cards that create a powerful bridge between your psychic intuitive abilities and the ancient knowledge and meanings of the tarot. This deck will help you have intuitive insights and provide guidance in all areas of your personal and business life.
To download the App for Smartphone or Tablet - click here
We’re all born psychic. The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck was designed to encourage everyone’s innate psychic abilities to fully emerge. The reader will find 65 beautifully illustrated cards that create a powerful bridge between their psychic intuitive abilities and the ancient knowledge and meanings of the tarot. This deck will help you have intuitive insights and helpful guidance in all areas of life, whether it’s matters of love and relationships, personal issues, business decisions, or even career changes.
This fascinating deck works for everyone whether you’re a novice or someone who is already in-tune with their psychic ability! Throughout the deck, John imparts techniques that he’s practiced himself and taught in his workshop, such as: colors, symbology, shapes, words, card spreads, psychic interpretation, divination, numerology, the energy centers, and imagination. By using the cards, you’ll be able to incorporate all John’s techniques when you do a psychic tarot reading for yourself or on others.
After studying and using the Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck, you’ll not only have a better understanding of the language and wisdom of the tarot, but your psychic abilities will have been heightened and strengthened as you discover a whole new way to connect and interpret the cards.
New Beginnings
Every journey begins with a first step. When this card presents itself in your reading, it’s an opportunity for you to take a brave leap of faith – but be prepared as you do so. This card represents a great new adventure awaiting you, and usually presents itself when there is great inner change happening within oneself. When this card arises, it is a sign that the important choices, which are needed and about to be made, should be thought out as you proceed with wisdom, thought, and care.
Life is moving you forward. Often times it can be daunting when a new adventure or direction is set before you, and it calls for faith and courage as you take a risk and step into the unknown. During this time, you may feel lost, some people are afraid of change and play it safe by staying where they are. Know that inner guidance, wisdom, and the belief in yourself are the tools that will carry you ahead on a positive life-changing path.
Don’t conform to what society or what others expect of you at this time – it’s your adventure. During this time, be like an innocent child with new eyes; give yourself permission to live, play, love, and laugh
This card is a reminder that you have all the tools inside of you to guide and direct you in your life. Whether it’s wisdom, intuition, psychic skill, creativity, self-motivation, love, willpower, physical ability, or courage, these are all part of you - and have tremendous power when tapped into and used. You have the ability to allow the Universe to work with you in a partnership, to bring about and manifest a positive outcome or desire at this time.
This card represents your ability to create your own reality – to set ideas into motion and watch them grow and manifest. This card is usually drawn when you are ready to take on a new direction, project, or career. Now is the time to use the awareness of positive thoughts, visualizations, and affirmations, and veer away from negativity.
Knowledge is power and can lead to success. By having faith, and keeping your willpower strong and directed, tapping into the tools that you have, and calling on the magic from the Universe - you can accomplish anything you set out to do.
Oracle Deck
Purchase NowPaperback
Purchase NowTHE SPIRIT WHISPERER - Chronicles of a Medium
There’s a special language that transcends time and space - a language that’s not constrained by the limitations of just words, but one that consists of signs, symbols, energy, and thought. A language that can only be heard when one truly listens. It’s the language of The Spirit Whisperer.
In this new book, John divulges for the first time some of the extraordinary paranormal occurrences he’s witnessed throughout his career, and provides a rare glimpse behind the scenes of what it’s like to be a "Psychic Time Machine" illustrating his ability to reach back in time and link with psychic imprints from the past. This book will also help parents who have a psychic child. The Spirit Whisperer is a book that will touch your heart as well as your soul.
In John Holland’s past books, he explained how he came to terms with, and learned to accept and embrace, his spiritual gifts as a psychic medium, and how "readers" can develop their own intuitive psychic abilities.
"This is a story that I’ll always remember. It’s just one of those amazing messages—one of those that few mediums ever forget. I’ve been giving public demonstrations for many years, and over time, the audiences have grown, yet it really doesn’t matter whether there are ten or ten thousand."
Purchase NowPaperback
Purchase NowPOWER OF THE SOUL - Inside Wisdom for an Outside World
This fascinating book provides some of the tools to help you tap into one of the most powerful forces in the Universe - your soul! You’ll develop a conscious awareness of the spiritual laws that help mold your life, and the individual soul force that’s in each and every one of you. Power of the Soul is more than just a guide . . . it’s a way back to living from the inside out. It will help you (no matter what your walk of life) follow your own spiritual journey.
This fascinating book provides some of the tools to help you to tap in to one of the most powerful forces in the Universe—your soul! Step by step, it will guide you to follow your true soul’s path and help you reconnect with your natural spiritual abilities.
"I couldn’t write a chapter on the energy of love without touching on relationships and how they relate on a soul level. Relationships are mirror images of your own life, how you feel and treat yourself, as well as how you react and respond to different situations and people that are around you. All relationships whether they’re on an emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual level are all part of the learning process and enlightenment of the soul."
Purchase NowPaperback
Purchase NowPSYCHIC NAVIGATOR - Harnessing Your Inner Guidance
Did you know that you already possess ALL the tools to lead a psychic life and unlock your hidden potential? John's second book, Psychic Navigator has been written specifically as a “how to” manual for those who are looking to develop or reconnect with their psychic abilities, which we were all born with. This highly popular best seller comes with a guided psychic meditation Mp3 that will open your inner-senses and help with many of the exercises throughout the book.
Did you know that you already possess ALL the tools to unlock your hidden potential and help you lead an intuitive psychic life? For years, John Holland has been teaching people how to awaken, access, and develop those dormant intuitive senses . . . and bring them to the surface, to assist in making better decisions as we navigate our way through our busy lives.
"Living a psychic life is an ongoing process of perpetual development, one of learning to trust and listen to your inner guidance. You must accept that life is your ultimate teacher and try to live to the very best of your abilities—after all, what you do with what you have is what truly matters."
Purchase NowE-book
Purchase Now101 WAYS TO JUMP-START YOUR INTUITION "Kindle" Edition
Intuition is the language of the soul, and we’re all born with the natural ability of an inner knowing. As we go through life, we have an inborn tendency to pull away from what was once totally natural to us.
In 101 Ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition, John guides you through 101 quick and easy lessons to help you understand, develop, and work with your internal sense of intuition. This small yet valuable e-book will become your companion as you rely more on intuition for direction, insight, clarity, and wisdom on a daily basis.
Each of the mini-lessons comes with its own affirmation or inspirational statement to complement and strengthen each of the 101 lessons. This book reinforces the idea that intuition is a reminder of the power of the human spirit, but more important, that when we listen to its advice, it can lead us to a life of unlimited potential.
Intuition is the language of the soul and we're all born with the natural ability of an inner knowing. As we go through life, we have an inborn tendency to pull away from what was once, totally natural to us. In 101 Ways to Jump-Start Your Intuition , Psychic Medium John Holland guides you through 101 quick and easy lessons to help you understand, develop, and work with that inner sense of intuition.
"I trust my intuition and myself.
We’re all equipped with a complex and highly tuned inner-guidance system, which we can access and use anytime we wish. Receiving intuitive information is all about energy, and people, places, and objects are all comprised of it. Since you too are energy, you can receive and read information via your intuitive senses..."
Purchase NowPaperback
Purchase NowBORN KNOWING A Medium's Journey
It's John's first book! In an open and candid way, he explains how he dealt with his personal conflict of coming to terms with, and finally accepting his rare ability as a spirit messenger. John also presents heartfelt real-life stories, where he describes his readings with clients, the effect on their lives, and the sense of closure people feel, knowing that their loved ones who have passed on are still with them.
Given the phenomenal change in attitudes about life after death, public interest in the Other Side is ever increasing. Born Knowing will show you that even after the loss of a loved one, you're never truly alone. In an open and candid way, he explains how he dealt with his conflict of coming to terms, and finally accepting, his rare ability as a spirit messenger who helps people connect with those who have passed on.
"Angels don’t just sing. They also dance. In my head, I could hear someone gliding across a polished wooden floor. But I was confused – this wasn’t the familiar rhythm of a waltz. It sounded more like clackity clack, clackity clack, clackity clack. Heaven was tap dancing."
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