Suggestions for a Positive Reading
Please keep an open mind
It's important for you to keep an open mind during the whole process, and to be open to receive whatever messages come through and from whomever is trying to connect with you. You never know who will come through! Try to be open to more than just the person you want to hear from.
It's not quite as simple as picking up the phone. John cannot "call the dead". You may hear from old friends or you may be the middleman who passes on a message to a friend coming from one of their relatives. Also you may hear from a relative who you didn't know quite well. Once the door is open – some spirits just want to be acknowledged. There’s usually a reason they’re coming through, but most of the time, it’s about the validation of the connection.
This is not to say you will not hear from a certain person you wish to connect with, just that John cannot guarantee it. There is a process when doing mediumship and it’s important to honor it.
John can only do his best to bring through whoever wants to come through with clarity and evidence. People who have passed on are not coming through to give you predictions. They are coming through to show you that life continues and they are still around you.
As part of your preparation, especially if it’s your first time with a medium, and to help you understand the process of mediumship, John recommends reading his first book “Born Knowing” before your appointment. This book also has helped thousands of people who have suffered a loss.
John’s reading guidelines
After doing this work for many years, I have realized how I work with those who have crossed over.
I am clairaudient (I hear), and I am clairsentient (I feel). These are the two main abilities that seem to work with me best.
I will psychically feel if I am connecting to a man, woman, child, mother, father, grandparent, etc. I will feel how they passed, their personality, and try to explain exactly what I am feeling to you so you know I am connecting with your loved one.
I hear the information that I am supposed to pass on. It’s not like having a conversation like you’d have with someone else. I am connecting to a soul that no longer has a physical body, and we communicate with the power of thought.
I always give you the information before you tell me anything. I usually ask the sitter not to feed me any information, but just to validate that the evidence coming through is correct and you understand. There’s always time at the end of the reading for questions.
I also see symbolically (clairvoyant).
Example: If I am seeing a symbol for an apple it could be to just say the word “apple,” not that you like fruit, but you could have grown up on Apple Street or lived near apple orchards. I have to give it as I am getting it or I may misinterpret the message.
Please listen to what information is coming forward. It may not mean anything to me, but could be very significant to you. Also please DO NOT wait to hear what YOU want to hear. Some spirits have their own agenda of what they want to express. I can only give you what I am getting, and interpret the information to the best of my ability.
All kinds of evidence come out in a session, whether it is significant or what may seem to you to be quite trivial. It is all the small things that make up our lives.
If I give you a name, it does not have to be from someone who has passed. It could be someone here who you are connected with, as I never know where each session will go. Each and every session is different. If you do not understand the information being received, please write it down and check the information with your family
All I ask is that you keep an open mind and listen to the information coming through so you can have a positive and rewarding session.
Thank you.